Thursday, March 9, 2023

Change your clocks - a reminder to check-up your home

 As we approach changing our clocks again for spring-forward, its also the right time to check the health of your home.  I have experienced with customers who have overlooked maintenance items like dirty air filters in their furnace, etc.  This is a good time to change furnace filters or at least check them as they can highly stress your furnace and cause it to randomly shut down to prevent damage.  Also change smoke alarm and CO2 alarms as it could save your life.  Also, I have seen customers where rodents (mice mostly) are very active lately with our very cold spell trying to find warm places, like your crawl space and attic.  They chew small holes in your foundation screens and attic screen vents.  Those critters are desperate right now.  This is not as simple as plugging these holes as they are smart.  If you need help with home maintenance and repairs done correctly please contact us (503) 277-3098 as we can respond quickly.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

More than spring cleaning...time to de-winterize!

Springtime, finally!  What a crazy weather evident by the look of your yard.  We enjoy being in the yard to clean up and restore pride in our landscape, but many homeowners often overlook there home.  It is important to not only "winterize" your home in the fall, but also "de-winterize" in the spring.  That would include cleaning out those (full) gutters before that debris turns into solid blocks of dirt bricks, and also opening up your foundation vents.  Full gutters and plugged up vents all lead up to trapped or backed up moisture in or under your home.  Years of neglect by not letting your home breathe and or not allowing it to dry out can cause major water damage, and major expensive lesson and risk to your family health.  This is just for starters!  To help you "de-winterize" and get your home in shape for summer contact us at 503-277-3098 to discuss your list.  We offer free estimates and lifetime quality!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Is Your Home Ready For Winter?

Ready or not winter weather in the Northwest has already begun.  The record rainfall we received in September was a wake up call, especially for those who experienced problems from leaky roofs to flooded gutters or worse.

Now is the time to act and "winterize" your home before minor issues become major issues, like water damage or worse...dangerous black mold.

Call us at 503-277-3098 to help "winterize" your home properly.  We can provide a full service package or just visit your home and offer advice for those do-it-yourself types.  Winterizing includes cleaning out gutters to keep water from entering your home, to sealing up foundation vents, and several other critical things.  Spend a little now or alot later...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Season Taking a Toll On Your Home's Interior

Are you staring at all of those little unfinished projects, nagging things around the house that need repairing, interior projects that you want/need to get done, but finding the time is impossible?

Winter time in our great northwest is tough on the exteriors and interiors of our homes, especially so on the inside as we spend so much time there causing wear and tear.  With 20+ years of experience in home maintenance and finish remodeling, I pride myself on being a reliable, affordable, and detail-driven Handyman ready to help solve your needs!  So, if you have a "honeydo" list that keeps getting longer, please click on my Contact above to arrange a free estimate.

PS...this is also a great time to reserve a slot for my Spring Cleaning specials.